Uhuru Boys Productions is a community of creative people motivated by a deep love for music, rhythm, and culture, specializing in visual and audio mediums. We are a one-stop resource for everything from management and song-writing to recording, mixing & mastering, & audio editing, to video production or photography shoots (including music videos, short films, commercials, casting calls, instructional videos, modeling sessions, corporate videos, and commercial photography shoots.)
We work with Music Artists of all levels to help them make good quality music so, they can put out a high-quality, detail-oriented, final product.
Our old-fashioned work ethic, to go the extra mile regardless of how difficult, experience, confidence, and commitment to excellence are the essential ingredients responsible for the development and growth of our company, in this fast-paced and ever-changing industry.
Contact Us today so, we can help you make the kind of music you want!!